“The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change.”
Carl Rogers,
On Becoming a Person.
A time for change
You may have come here today knowing exactly why you are looking for my help; or you might feel something is just not quite right. Either way, you are probably feeling uncomfortable and know that something needs to change.
By looking for help, you are beginning to take control of that discomfort. You are giving yourself permission to be “not OK”. While it might not feel like it right now, that’s one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself.
Negative feelings are normal, everyone has them: confusion, anxiousness, sadness, grief, guilt, helplessness, fear and anger are just some of the feelings we struggle with. Feeling overwhelmed by them can be tough; figuring out why can be tough too, but also amazing.
It can be hard to know where to start - sometimes, even just naming those feelings is a challenge - so we can explore this together, in conversation. There might be one specific and significant issue you want to work through or there might be many, with connected feelings to untangle. We can look to your past, and perhaps to your future, to help figure this out. We will certainly spend time in your present - how you feel today, right now.
Whatever we discover, we will find it together; it will be done safely, with understanding and in confidence.